The 11th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation will take place on 18/19-20 May 2022 in Copenhagen and Malmö
SDGs in Construction Economics and Organization
We are pleased to announce that the 11th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation is back on track following the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference will take place 19-20 May with venues and activities in both Malmö and Copenhagen. In addition, we host a PhD workshop in Malmö on the 18 May for interested students and supervisors alike.

The registration module is available at:
We accept only credit card payment. If you cannot pay with a credit card, your participation can be registered manually. In this case, please send an email to Haseeb Wahedi ( with your name, contact and payment information. You will then receive your invoice when the registration is completed.
The fees for participation in the conference are as follows:
- Standard fee: €325
- Members of CREON fee: €300
- PhD students: €275
The fee for participating in the conference dinner is €75. We have to charge this fee individually for VAT reasons, so please remember to tick the necessary box when registering.
The program for the 11th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organisation is now available. We are excited to present a program that will hopefully balance academic conversations with a lot of social and informal dialogue and opportunity for catching up after a few long years of COVID-19 restrictions.
Day 1: PhD workshop
We kick-off the conference with a PhD workshop on the 18 May. This will take place in Malmö, where we also will have an informal welcome reception and self-organized dinner for PhD students, supervisors and other interested. Take notice that we will not have any transport arranged for this part of the program.
Day 2: Socializing and study visit in Malmö
On 19 May, we have chosen to focus on ‘socializing and inspiration’ as our theme. We will start with a study visit at Malmö New Hospital where Christer Hallgren, who is in charge of the construction activities, will host the session and give a tour and talk about the ambitious project that does not only include the construction of a new hospital building — it also includes a new service building and logistics center that includes a state-of-the-art laboratory. After the site visit, we will have a workshop to discuss different perspectives on construction production, economics and organization. In the afternoon we transfer to Copenhagen for the conference dinner and some more socializing.
We have provided transfer by bus between Copenhagen and Malmö. The bus will depart at 08.00 from Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen and return at 17.00 in time for the conference dinner. So if you stay in Copenhagen, you will not have to worry about the transport.
Day 3: Paper presentations and academic discussions
On 20 May, we have the paper presentations and discussions at Aalborg university’s conference venue in Copenhagen. We have approximately 30 papers accepted for the conference and aim at having four parallel sessions in two rounds, which should give time to discuss the papers in-depth. We also have a keynote speech by Head of Sustainability in the Danish contracting firm Enemærke og Petersen (E&P). E&P is known as one of the most innovative contracting firms in Denmark with a strong profile in social and environmental sustainability and has recent years been involved in numerous research and development projects to improve productivity, working conditions and reduce environmental impact.
The tentative program can be seen below. We look forward to seeing you all!

There are many hotels in Copenhagen. We will not recommend any but have found a few in the city centre or close to AAU-Cph, just to give you an idea of what is available.
- CABINN City: Affordable hotel near Copenhagen Central Station. Price from DKK 499 per night
- Scandic Sydhavnen: Hotel located very close to AAU-Cph. Price from DKK 995 per night
- Moxy Copenhagen Sydhavnen: Hotel located very close to AAU-Cph. Price from DKK 1025 per night
We welcome contributions that address the question of how the construction economics and organisation research field can contribute to sustainable development, as well as reflect on the role of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our research.
We welcome contributions on a wide range of topics within the field of construction economics and organisation, including but not limited to:
- Circular business models and sustainable construction projects
- The role of consumers and stakeholders in sustainability
- Work conditions, work life and professionals
- Building for an inclusive society
- ‘Green’ technologies and digitalisation
- Building resilient infrastructure
- Partnerships for sustainable development
All contributions shall however explicitly relate to one or more of the SDGs and discuss its contribution to a change in understanding and practices of construction economics and organisation.
We have decided to skip the official abstract submission. Instead, we receive full papers. As there is no abstract round, it is crucial to observe that full papers being submitted, have to strictly meet the themes of the conference to avoid desk rejection. This means that contributions must be in the field of construction management / construction economics and organisation, and explicitly relate to one or more SGDs.
Full papers will have a maximum lenght of 12 pages including references. A template for papers is available here: Download template
Papers are to be uploaded here:
Springer Nature will publish the conference proceedings in the book series Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics in late 2022. Full papers will not be published prior to the conference. Instead, abstracts and presentations will be made available to participants, and should therefore focus on specific results, challenges and/or contributions to the SDGs.
- First draft submission: 15 January 2022
- Comments from reviewers: 28 February 2022
- Second draft submission: 30 March 2022
- Comments from reviewers: 15 April 2022
- Final version: 8 May 2022