Memorandum of Understanding with CIB signed

CREON and CIB (The International Council for Research and Development in Building and Construction) has now signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The Memorandum of Understanding formally creates a channel of communication between the members of CREON and the members of CIB. We hope that this will increase the opportunities for collaboration, exchange information on current and future activities, stimulate young researchers to join the international community of researchers on construction economics and organisation, and help researchers disseminate their work more widely.

At the outset we envisage a number of ways in which CIB and CREON might collaborate, including:

  • coordination of the planning and timing of conferences,
  • mutual financial benefits, for example a 20 % discount for CIB members of the conference fee at the next Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation,
  • circulation of the CIB Newsletter to CREON members through a link on the CREON web site,
  • promotion of our conferences more widely to our mutual benefit, organising webinars to debate on globally topical issues,
  • and undertaking joint activities of benefit to both CIB and CREON.

First key note speakers confirmed

We are pleased to announce that the first key note speakers for the 7th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation have been confirmed.

Prof. Graham Winch
Graham is currently Professor of Project Management in Manchester Business School and Jubilee Professor, Chalmers University. A social scientist by training, he is also an author who has written several books and published over 40 refereed journal articles.

Prof. Anne Grete Hestnes
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her main scientific interest is in the areas of energy conservation and the use of solar energy in buildings. She is Director of the National Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research – Zero Emission Buildings.

About the conference
The 7th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation is hosted by NTNU and SINTEF. The conference starts Wednesday 12 June 2013 and finishes Friday 14 June 2013. The conference is located at NTNU Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim, Norway.

The conference will focus on green urbanization. Urbanization is meant in a wide perspective, and green indicates the consequences for construction organization and economy from ongoing development, as well as the industry’s ambitions for the future.

Call for abstracts – 7 Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation

Deadline for Submission of abstracts: 15 June 2012

Topics for abstracts and papers include, but are not limited to the following:

The Sustainability Perspective:
• Climate change
• Energy use in buildings
• Environment in existing buildings
• Rehabilitation

Framework Conditions:
• Policy and Strategy
• Vitalising public sector
• Stimulating development
• Financial incentives

Challenges in Urbanisation:
• Climate Neutrality
• Dwellings and Work Places
• Land Use and City Limits
• Viable Transport and Infrastructure

Organisation for Execution:
• Implementing large initiatives
• Effective Actions
• Relevant Choices
• Models and Criteria
• Analysis and Assessments
• Clients and users

Efficient Collaboration:
• Building Process and Productivity
• New Technology
• Integrated design and delivery solutions
• Innovations
• Industrialising

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