10th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization
7-8 May 2019, Tallinn, Estonia

Regional markets, networks and opportunities
We welcome both academic and industry contributions to the 10th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Abstract and full paper submissions are managed through the online conference management system. Authors are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and 5 keywords. You will be asked to select a conference theme when submitting your abstract.
Submitted conference papers will be subject to a double-blind review by leading experts and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The best contributions will be recognized through best paper awards and opportunities to submit extended versions of papers for publication in a well-known scientific journal.
The conference programme includes a pre-conference workshop for doctoral students addressing research methods. Doctoral students are also welcome to contribute to the main program of this conference.
Conference theme
Against a backdrop of globalization, the free movement of people, goods, services and capital particularly within the European Single Market, suggest that it is increasingly relevant to consider the construction industry from a regional perspective. Regional integration brings with it both opportunities – to expand operations and smooth out the volatile construction cycles in smaller countries – and associated challenges such as greater competition and the conditions governing posted workers. The academic research community has historically embraced networking beyond national boundaries, but under these same drivers, regional and international research coallitions are increasingly becoming the norm.
The 10th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organization is focused on exploring these developments with its general theme “Regional markets, networks and opportunities”. This conference brings together leading experts from academia and industry to network and share the latest research findings and industrial experiences. We welcome contributions from industry, research institutes and academics. More specific themes of the conference include, but are not limited to:
The economics and business of construction
- Economic modelling
- Whole life costing
- Business models and strategies
- Value in construction and real estate
- Supply chains
Construction and project management
- Quality, time and cost management
- Risk management
- Procurement management
- Performance measurement
- Decision-making
Building information, data and digitalization
- Building Information Modelling
- Digital design
- IT for construction
- Construction data
- Big data
Innovations in the construction process
- Lean construction
- Off-site construction
- Industrial construction
- Relational contracting
- Early contractor involvement
Sustainability and resource efficiency
- Social, environmental and economic sustainability
- Zero energy buildings
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Climate change
Stakeholders of construction and real estate
- Stakeholder roles
- Gender and diversity
- Health, safety and well-being
- Organisations and institutions
- Dispute resolution
Built environments
- Architectural and urban planning issues
- Value and meaning of spaces
- Smart cities
- Healthy cities
- Disaster resilience
Construction education and research
- Learning, training and education
- Study / work interfaces
- Research orientations and directions
- Theories and frameworks
- Research methods
Other topics linked to the overall conference theme
- Regional, national, local contexts
- Governance
- Legislation and regulation
- Ethics
- Multidisciplinarity